Saturday, June 06, 2009

It says it in every detail of your face

"Up, M'Lady--Pack your things, this place is not your home.
Nor was it ever, sever every tie, tonight we ride. Tonight we ride."

I can't say enough good about Thursday night. First, I got to hang out with two friends that I really enjoy (oh, Steven and Josh too!), and La Dispute & company always put on a fascinating show. The opening bands have been high quality lately, haven't had to deal with a Three-esque band recently. Oceans just blew me away as well. The instrumental bands they bring with them are just awesome. They've had Lights at Sea with them before as well, those guys know how to play. Native was great as usual, they always manage to top themselves in energy and quality.

Night washes over the hushed bodies,
frames draped with expectation.
The lights dim and we jostle for room,
moving as one, tonight we ride!

We are become the song from his mouth,
singing back one hundred fold.
Sweat begins to fall as we close in,
there is no room to breathe, only move.

Pain is forgotten as the lights flash,
well-being imparted, and voices lost.
A large family united by common joy,
he screams in my face, I scream back.

Like it began, the moment is ended,
they are once again men, for the time.
Sopping, we cool quickly in the chill night,
Prufrockian sentiments we have not.
Slurpees we do.

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