Reading after college...

Summer 2011 - Spring 2012:
Dune saga 1-6 (Frank Herbert), Crazy Love (Francis Chan), Hunger Games Trilogy (Suzanne Collins), The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Benjamin Franklin)

Fall 2012:
Is God a Moral Monster? (Paul Copan), The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World (John Piper)

Spring 2013:
How to be Black (Baratunde Thurston), I Suck at Girls (Justin Halpern), History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan (Andrew Blackbird)

Fall 2013 - Spring 2014:
A Song of Ice and Fire 1-5 (George R.R. Martin), The Giver Quartet (Lois Lowry), Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen), The Pigman (Paul Zindel), Love Wins (Rob Bell), Jesus the King (Tim Keller)

Fall 2014:
To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee), The White Plague (Frank Herbert), The Etymologicon (Mark Forsyth), Who Killed Betsy: Uncovering Penn State University's Most Notorious Unsolved Crime (Derek Sherwood)

November - December 2014:
the Brothers K (David James Duncan)

January 2015:
Night (Eli Wiesel), A Canticle for Leibowitz (Walter M. Miller, Jr.), Davita's Harp (Chaim Potok), the Wednesday Wars (Gary D. Schmidt), the Magicians (Lev Grossman)

February 2015:
Neuromancer (William Gibson)

February - April 2015:
The Discoveries: Great Breakthroughs in 20th-Century Science, Including the Original Papers (Alan Lightman), How to Write with Flair (Heather Holleman), Scary Close (Donald Miller)

April - May 2015:
The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne), Love Does (Bob Goff), The Dog Stars (Peter Heller)

June - August 2015:
Ender's Game Quintet (Orson Scott Card), Shadow Quintet (Orson Scott Card)

September 2015:
A Brief History of Time (Stephen Hawking)

October - December 2015:
The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde), Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence (Henry F. Schaefer)

January - March 2016:
When Affirmative Action Was White (Ira Katznelson), Harry Potter Septet (J.K. Rowling), Cycling Home From Siberia (Rob Lilwall)

January 2016 - September 2018:
The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)

April - June 2016:
seated with Christ (Heather Holleman), The Martian (Andy Weir), Out of the Silent Planet (C.S. Lewis), Perelandra (C.S. Lewis)

July 2016 - January 2017:
Crisis of Empire: Britain and America in the Eighteenth Century (Jeremy Black), Surprised by Hope (N.T. Wright)

February 2017:
The High Places (Philip M. Hazelton), Between the World and Me (Ta-Nehisi Coates)

April - May 2017:
Notes of a Native Son (James Baldwin), The Tales of Beedle the Bard (J.K. Rowling), Quidditch Through the Ages (J.K. Rowling), The Man in the High Castle (Philip K. Dick)

June - August 2017:
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future (Peter Thiel)

June - November 2017:
The Seven Storey Mountain (Thomas Merton)

September 2017 - January 2018:
Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell)

January 2018 - June 2018:
Jayber Crow (Wendell Berry)

June 2018 - August 2018:
The Doctor's Secret Journal: A True Account of Violence at Fort Michilimackinac (Daniel Morison), Dr. William Beaumont: The Mackinac Years (Keith R. Widder), Fort Holmes (Brian Leigh Dunnigan), Contact (Carl Sagan)

August 2018 - May 2019:
Leviathan Wakes (James A. Corey), Caliban's War (James A. Corey), Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis), Story of Your Life (Ted Chiang), Abaddon's Gate (James A. Corey), Cibola Burn (James A. Corey), Nemesis Games (James A. Corey), Permission Granted (Jennifer Grace Bird), Babylon's Ashes (James A. Corey)

June 2019 - August 2019:
Persepolis Rising (James A. Corey), Searching for Sunday (Rachel Held Evans), Wonder (R.J. Palacio), Tiamat's Wrath (James A. Corey)

September 2019 - March 2020:
That Hideous Strength (C.S. Lewis), Inspired: Slaying Giants, Walking on Water, and Loving the Bible Again (Rachel Held Evans), Genesis for Normal People: A Guide to the Most Controversial, Misunderstood, and Abused Book of the Bible (Peter Enns and Jared Byas)

April 2020 - Summer 2020:
The Three Body Problem and The Dark Forest and Death's End (Cixin Liu), The New Oxford Annotated Apocrypha (various), The Cross and the Lynching Tree (James H. Cone), By Grace Alone: Stories of the Reformed Church in America (Donald J. Bruggink and Kim N. Baker)

September 2020 - Winter 2020:
Eon & Eternity (Greg Bear), Love Matters More: How Fighting to Be Right Keeps Us from Loving Like Jesus (Jared Byas)

Spring 2021: A Brief History of Lager: 500 Years of the World's Favorite Beer (Mark Dredge), Temple of Conquest, editions 1 and 2 (Mark Broe), How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and the Journey Toward Racial Justice (Jemar Tisby), Grand Rapids Beer: An Intoxicating History of River City Brewing (Patrick Evans)

Summer 2021 - Winter 2021: Jesus and John Wayne (Kristin Kobes Du Mez), The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follett), the Patternist Series (Octavia Butler)

Spring 2022 - Summer 2022: 
Babylon's Ashes (James A. Corey), London Street: a memoir (Jane E. Griffioen), On the Spectrum (Daniel Bowman Jr.), Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel), With the Old Breed (E.B. Sledge), People to be Loved (Preston Sprinkle), The First 90 Days (Michael Watkins)

Winter 2023 - Spring 2023:
A River Runs Through It and Other Stories (Norman Maclean); the Earthseed Series (Octavia Butler); Zorrie (Laird Hunt); Bubble (Jordan Morris, Sarah Morgan, and Tony Cliff), Sex, Gender, and Engineering: Harassment at Work and in School (Jennifer VanAntwerp and Denise Wilson), Signal Moon (Kate Quinn), Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to a Tribe Called Quest (Hanif Abdurraqib), Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History (S. C. Gwynne), Blood Brothers (Elias Chacour), Beyond Stewardship: New Approaches to Creation Care (ed.: David Paul Warners and Matthew Kuperus Heun)

Fall 2023:
Speech Sounds (Octavia Butler), The Fall of the House of Usher (Edgar Allen Poe), Bend in the River: The Story of Grandville and Jenison, MI (John W. McGee)

December 2023 - March 2024:
The Making of Michigan 1820 - 1860 (ed: Justin L. Kestenbaum), The Early History of Jamestown Township, Ottawa County, Michigan 1843 - 1870 (Pauline Hall Gitchel), Tales of Jamestown: the way it was, Parts 1 & 2 (Ed. Herbert DeKleine), Calvinists and Indians in the Northeastern Woodlands (Stephen T. Staggs)

Spring 2024:
The Meaning of Freedom: And Other Difficult Dialogues (Angela Y. Davis), Messy Grace: How a Pastor with Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction (Caleb Kaltenbach), Why the Germans Do it Better: Notes from a Grown-Up Country (John Kampfner)

Summer 2024:
The Illiad (Homer; tr. Robert Fagles; audiobook read by Sir Derek Jacobi; abridged, free verse), Project Hail Mary (Andy Weir), The Illiad (Homer; tr. Alexander Pope; audiobook read by Michael Page; unabridged, verse in iambic pentameter), Jesus and the Powers (N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird), Welcome to Management (Ryan Hawk; audiobook read by author), Not My White Savior: A Memoir in Poems (Julayne Lee), The Odyssey (Homer; tr. Robert Fitzgerald; audiobook read by Dan Stevens)

Fall 2024 - Winter 2025:
The Whole Language: The Power of Extravagant Tenderness (Gregory Boyle), Out of the Silent Plant (C.S. Lewis)

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