Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Political gospel

This is a bit of a quiet rant.  And it's a little vulgar, so if you're offended, that's on you, because you read further or listened.  Of course if you have some beautiful thoughts to share that fly in my face, please feel free to do so.

Political gospel
I'm sick of all this fucking shit.
I'm tired of living in a country with an uninformed electorate (of which I am a member).
Let's elect leaders, career bigots, hypocrites and panderers, Saints of Latter days that uphold "family values".

Our system of governance is propelled by campaigns that smear instead of advocate.
Polarization and extremism are in vogue, and bipartisanship is worth fuck-all--it means you're weak.
The religious right has conflated gospel and conservatism--if you lean left, you don't love Jesus.  Because Jesus said to love those just like us and above all else to preserve our way of life.

Do you remember when we prayed to bless Reagan and the Bushes?  Now it's, "fuck the Clintons and Obama."  Why should God bless people just like us?  Didn't you hear, Obama's a Muslim and hates Christians?
Do you find it hard to believe that we have gay marriage and women pastors?  How far have we slid as a nation to bequeath human rights?

Americans aren't God's chosen people--some of God's people are Americans.  Now, stop rank-ordering sins and listen:
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." // Romans 13:1
And just remember:
"...not my will, but yours be done." // Luke 22:42

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