Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Depth of feeling

To feel intensely is to take delight in a frigid drive through a barren, white fieldscape of chopped corn, just because at that moment you can be in that place and not in another.

To feel deeply is to agonize over a person or thought for hours, like they were there with you.

To feel intensely is to constantly desire to project your experiences in life onto the ones you love and care about--to crave reciprocity and validation.

+ to be talked up and talked down by friends over trivialities, and always hope that they don't get sick of you.
+ to share too much with too many people too quickly because feedback is a drug.
+ to feel elated and devastated over the slightest of interactions and to over-analyze every last feeling that passes the cortex.
+ to withdraw and hope that no one notices until you're ready to re-emerge.
+ to drink music from a ladle and spill it all over.
+ to be effusive, sometimes uncomfortably.
+ to hide this intensity.

through introspection to somehow come back to a balance and do it all over again the next time.  When the worst is always the first thought, it can take until the afternoon to recover.

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