Wednesday, May 13, 2015


I've been on a little German R&B kick.

My housemate was talking about German music, so I went through mine yesterday and gave him all I had.  It turned to be quite a bit.

I'm also working on a 'lil project regarding Peter Fox's "Schwarz Zu Blau" that I was on Genius for--and the same folk that produced "Schwarz zu Blau", the Krauts, produced "Sekundenschlaf" by Marteria, who I already knew a little about.

So, naturally I go to check out "Sekundenschlaf (Ft. Peter Fox)":

The song is about how time passes--and we're usually pretty impatient about how it's passing--we want to be older, younger, different than we are.  But we can't and be happy/enjoy the moment.  Yup.

Marteria tells the future of our generation: "Jede Oma in Berlin hat'n Arschgeweih."
Every granny in Berlin has a tramp stamp.

While I object to the "tramp stamp" phrase as an oppressive term of the patriarchy, I do find this song hilarious and probably true.

The first song by Marteria I heard was "Kids (2 Finger an den Kopf)":

Pretty hooky.  I love the lyrics--it's about how no one goes out and does anything fun anymore.  Everyone has small dreams and loves Bayern, for example (my translation, sorry for errors):

Alle mähen Rasen, putzen ihre Fenster
Everyone mows the lawn and cleans their windows

Jeder ist jetzt Zahnarzt – keiner ist mehr Gangster
Everyone's a dentist--no one is a gangster

Keiner fälscht mehr Stempel – alle gehen schwimmen
No one forges stamps--everyone goes swimming

Jeder steht jetzt auf der Liste – niemand geht mehr hin
Everyone has a schedule--no one goes out any more

Keiner will mehr ballern, treffen um zu reden
No one goes bangin, they meet to chat

Keiner macht mehr Malle, alle fahren nach Schweden
No one goes to Mallorca, they only travel to Sweden

Jeder liebt die Bayern, vor'm Essen beten
Everyone loves Bayern-Munich, they pray before every meal

Leben die kleinen Träume, verbrennen die großen Pläne
They live the small dreams, and burn the big ones

Sounds like a frustrated millenial X'DDDDDDDDDDDD
Great song though--I have similar frustrations sometimes.  I guess it kind of resonates.

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