Monday, June 05, 2006


Our world, our universe, so complex, yet so frail and chaotic. Laws and orders explain the mystery, yet deep inside we wonder how. No matter how deep we think we understand, there is so much more to know and to wonder at. Scientists wonder at the stars, and yet don't understand their own species. The jerk on the road, the idiot at the game, how can an understanding as deep as ours fail to transcend our lives, and cause us to hate our brothers. Look inside and you will see that it isn't you, it's me.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Why, when the world falls apart, must we feast on anothers pain.
Why, do we let fester wounds that grow and choke and kill.
Why, does our nature want to throw all good away.

For us, for our own selfish nature, for the things that make us who we've never wanted to be, yet we become that person, never allowed to go back, yet always digging.